Normally what I do is I type something in a word document then type it here. But that is not the case. It is kind of odd. These past few weeks since hitting ninety followers, well I was trying to think of what I could do when I reach 100. The more I thought about it, well it really seemed like I could not think of anything to do for it. When I woke up this morning I was welcomed by my e-mail stating that I got another follow, which was the 100th.  In seven months this was reached. I am not really sure what to say now ever. Normally if you have been following me for awhile be it a few months or even a few days you might notice my posts tend to be long. Well, this one will be short. I cannot think of anything else to say but three words:

thank you everyone



Thank you for following this blog, there will hopefully be a lot to come in the future.

– Joe