
The Reviewer's Corner

The Sometimes Serious Corner of the Internet for Anime, Manga, and Comic related things



With Everyone as One: Love Live the School Idol Movie Review

It is over. It just feels so weird to say that. The story Muse is done with this film. There will be no more of the characters that I have grown so fond of this past year. It is weird thinking that. But, all stories must come to an end someday. The story of Muse is just closing one window, but opening it up to so many more. Continue reading “With Everyone as One: Love Live the School Idol Movie Review”

30 Day Manga Challenge Day 9

Day 9: A manga you’d like to see adapted

This one I am sort of cheating in a sense on. I would say UQ Holder, but to me I do not think it would be adapted very well. I like the series. It is good in terms of action. But at times it relates to much to Negima, which did not get a good adaptation, to really have a good adaptation on its own.

voice           Now the reason why I am saying I am sort of cheating on this one is because it is getting an anime film adaptation, which in all honesty I have no idea how they are going to pull off. Koe no Katachi, aka The Silent Voice. Due to this, I have not a single clue on what could be in store on what they would cover in a film. The manga is over, at 64 chapters. A full anime adaptation could make sense and could be done.   Continue reading “30 Day Manga Challenge Day 9”

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