So, yeah, this is the home page of the Reviewer’s Corner. I am Joe, the main, and only writer here at the Reviewer’s Corner. This post will act as a means to navigate through the site, as well as have the poll for the next reviews, towards the end of an anime season. As of right now this is used as a sticky post, and when updates come out for about a week this post will not be here. Anyway, thank you for stopping by and here is a quick tour on what to expect.

Schedule for Posts Summer Season: 

Tuesday- Actually I am weekly reviews

Wednesdays– Monster Musume weekly reviews

Fridays– Not sure what, maybe normal reviews/other posts come August

Random Days/Whenever periodI, The American Otaku

The Pages

Reviews: going to list of reviews you can see all my reviews in order from oldest to newest, as well as if it falls under the category of anime, manga, or comics. Weekly reviews for currently airing shows will be found here.

30 Day Anime ChallengeAlthough it houses, the 30 Day challenge, it is also the place to find the 30 Day Manga Challenge (as of yet I have not done it) and any thing I consider to challenge myself with.

Discussions: This is really my thoughts on a particular subject or idea that can be found in anime, manga, or comics. It may contain Spoilers so, you have been warned.

Top Five: This can be anything and everything, each post is something different and what I put into a category is something that I think I like the most, or something that deserves to be in the top five. Sometimes I have not seen a series, while most of the time I have.

First Impressions: This is a work in progress, but it is mostly going to be for shows that air each new season. I may do one every now and again for a random show I start.

Blogroll:  My policy is on there for sharing my blog, although I am always willing to accept people, especially people just starting to blog, even if they do not have a page for it yet.

About me: Do I really need to say anything for this one?

Speculations and Theories: As of right now most are going to be Date A Live theories, I am always open to ideas, and I have a few for other series out there, that I plan on doing from time to time.

I, The American Otaku: Basically, one of the few places were I will be serious, although some of the stories will be a little comedic I hope in telling my thoughts about just growing up and is a place where I put my ideas, sometimes related to anime and sometimes not.

The Collection: This is the place to find what anime, manga, comics, and graphic novels I own. I put this out there so if anyone wants to see me review any of this stuff, people can comment about it.

Collaborations: I have always been open to the idea. If you are curious, and want to take part, go there and comment and we can work something out.

Questions for the Followers and Readers: This is just a single post where I just have a few questions for people who will help improve what I do here. Feedback is well welcomed and I be very glad if you were to comment on at least one or two of the questions there.

The Poll is closed, results are, Saekano (April Review), Gourmet Girls Graffiti (Mid June), KanColle (Late June).

So, thank you for stopping by and reading. I hope you enjoy.

Feel free to follow me on twitter, I will probably follow you back. Or if you have something to ask me, do so here.

Also, I am taking requests for posts, if there is anything you would like to see please comment.

– Joe